Originally Posted by Pemberley
Trust me I would not want DD here for even 5 minutes but the district refused to provide the needed spec ed services if we enrolled her at the lovely little private we found that would have been perfect for her.

Maybe it's time to reconsider your school choice. You sad that you're staying at a school that's not good for your daughter in order to get special ed. services. But from what I've read in your messages, she isn't getting the services she needs, resulting in you having to file complaints with the board of education, go to meetings where the principal behaves unprofessionally, etc. So you're struggling a lot, yet getting nowhere. I'm wondering, why are you continuing to fight this battle? I realize that the situation may be more complex than what you've described.

Originally Posted by Pemberley
she is now the physically awkward, sensitive 8 year old that needs very special TLC.

Personally, if this was my child, I'd be asking if her current school would ever be able to meet this need. What is more important? Getting (partial) services through the district or your daughter's other needs? How damaging is the rotten-egg stuff you've described? Does she laugh it off or ignore it, or is it really hurting her? How often does it occur? Etc.

There are other ways to get services apart from through a school district (e.g. your pediatrician may have some recommendations). Will your insurance plan pay for OT and speech therapy, for example?