No "popping in" possible - parents are not welcome in the school. You cannot enter the building without an appointment. Once inside you are not allowed past the front office. No volunteering in the classrooms or library. No having lunch with your child. Nothing. I have never seen DDs classroom in operation - not even for 5 seconds.

I left an intensely calm voicemail for the SW suggesting she "may want to have a conversation with this young man" and explore if perhaps there may have been "a more sensative way" to approach this. I also let her know that we are a bit concerned that this is the person whose judgement we will be relying on to determine if DD should be getting prescriptive pe. I have not heard anything back.

I plan to email new DSS later today about how the new IEP is being implemented and will mention it there just to be sure it is documented. Consultant said every time he thinks it can't get any worse at this school they reach another new low. He is all the more convinced we need to get her out of there, as am I.