Oh that would upset me a great deal. I would do something a bit more formal like email the teacher (or send a letter) with all of the niceties (blah blah) and then document the incident and remind him of her disability, etc. I have done the equivalent of "popping in" to chat with a school professional who did something similar to my DS and it caused a great deal of issues and became he-said/she-said thing. I really regretted handling it that way. It was the para who does the car line with the bullhorn. She yelled at my DS with the bullhorn that he moves too slow in front of everyone (even used his first and last name in the yelling so that everyone would be sure to know exactly who she was screaming at loud and clear). I told her off basically... politely. And I thought that would be the end of it but then she did it again, I told her again and then she went to the principal with a different version of events and said I was 'blasting' her for trying to keep my DS safe. Anyway, you get the picture. So the lesson I learned was document your version of the events immediately and politely and cc'ing higher ups.. basically tell your story first and formally. So it doesn't turn into a story that you harassed and blasted and innocent teacher just trying to keep your DD safe ....