Originally Posted by Mk13
Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
In fact, I'd argue the other side of it-- that you'd have to go to considerable trouble and modification to STOP that kind of thing with a HG+ kid. Don't they all pretty much talk-talk-talk about everything that draws their interest all. the. time??

(Or is it just my kid?)

This made me laugh! We beg DS4.5 for 5 minutes of quiet, which he never seems to give us! My only real concern with starting to possibly homeschool is that I will lose those 3 hours of quiet I get when he's in preschool! The questions and comments never stop! He even admits that he is unable to stop the thoughts and the talking! lol

I have to do this in the summer. The hour after lunch is quiet hour. You have to be on your bed (sometimes you can get permission for the living room couch but only one of the two can do that at a time) for an entire hour. The only approved activities are reading, writing in a journal, coloring, napping if you so desire, thinking, and sometimes younger ds will take a few toys (legos or figurines) into the bed with him but he is not allowed to make sound effects. No music (unless headphones), TV, computers, or hand held games. It is quiet hour and I mean quiet.

It is the best thing EVER. I learned it from a homeschooling mom. And everyone comes back from that hour rested, ready to be nice to each other, and ready to tackle the second half of the day. Many times my boys will leave their beds after quiet hour but continue to read their books together in the same room and then eventually do an activity together.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary