I think that most of the families with HG kiddos probably already sort of have an "immersion" environment in their homes by the time that they have kids 3-6yo. Just self-defense, really... wink

So in that sense, using what you have just sort of makes sense and seems quite natural. The "preparation" is mostly about the interpersonal environment, I'd say. If you allow/encourage your child(ren) to ask questions and speak their minds openly, and you take them seriously when they do, then the rest just seems to follow.

In fact, I'd argue the other side of it-- that you'd have to go to considerable trouble and modification to STOP that kind of thing with a HG+ kid. Don't they all pretty much talk-talk-talk about everything that draws their interest all. the. time??

(Or is it just my kid?)

We did MOST of our social science and science using the informal Socratic model when we homeschooled. It is very natural and organic feeling to my DH and I both, but then again, both of us are naturally teachers. We answer questions with questions, just naturally opening a dialogue.

Other than that, we keep books and a supply cabinet that has some basic 'stuff' in it, and an open mind re: the use of household chemicals and kitchen staples.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.