I could use some help. Can you share how long you spend a day on homeschooling. DD is 6 and right now we do about 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours a day, but it is starting to feel like not enough time to cover everything at the level she is working on. I know a lot of homeschooling families of normal development kids only do a few hours a day in early elementary school....and I want dd to have lots of time to play, but now here academics is that of upper elementary and early middle school, so to get them all done we would need to spend more time, which makes since, but she is still 6, so do I keep the time the same, and drop extras like history etc, or expand the time, or try something totally different. I just am not feeling like we have enough time but am not sure if I want her to have to not have as much time to play and be creative. Thoughts? How does it work in your home?

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.