Thank you so much for your responses. You gave me lots of ideas to consider.

I guess I was at lost just because I wasn't sure of a reason she cannot share her felling/thoughts with me. Now I think it was all my fault!

She is a very vocal child (non-stop talker) and a reader as well so I wouldn't think she is out of words to name her fillings. But while trying to approach her in a past couple of days I did realize she needs coaching in expressing herself the way majority of people expect her to.

She is a "matter of fact" type instead of a descriptive person I, for some reason, expected her to be... So I see two separate issues as of right now.

She is communicating with me but in a very straight to the point “we had lunch” kind of way. So I don’t think she is seeing a need to expand this into more complex “and my friend was very nice by sharing her treat with me” as I expected her to. I don’t know why these were my expectations since her father and I both have issues with sharing our feeling (except standard “I am upset because I did not like the way your loaded dishes into dishwasher”… LOL) I guess, this brings me to a next issue.

I never taught her how to expand on her feelings/thoughts. I would state facts and relay on her to get to the end result on her own (so that I cannot influence her decision) and she would but this only works for “science/learning” purposes, I guess. I think I fail to show her what is “expected” way to hold conversation with another person…

I still have a lot to consider since I did have a very good (I say great) feedback from the outsiders regarding her “collaboration with the group” and “leading the discussion” skills. But again – it was science/project related and not an “every day“ type of conversations…

I think I am on a right track here…