This discussion brings to mind a funny anecdote. Years ago, dh went through a top ranked graduate program in theoretical high energy physics (I think it is safe to say this was a high IQ cohort of students). After they all graduated, some stayed in physics, and some of the ones who didn't went to Wall Street, where they made oodles of money. After one of his friends had done several physics postdocs (i.e., low pay), he contemplated Wall Street. He first asked friends still in physics about those who went to Wall Street, and they told him, yes they're rich, but they're not happy. His next step was to track down the Wall Street physicists themselves and what did he find? "Yes, they're rich, AND they're happy."

On the other hand, there have been a couple of stock market crashes since then, and we've been out of touch, so we don't know the epilogue.