Thanks Elizabeth. The WISC report includes VCI and PRI which are both qualifying scores for davidson but she just emailed me the GAI (it's not in the report). I did email her yesterday and asked her to include the GAI in the official report.

It's nice to hear from someone else who has been there. Guess I should just take the next 2 weeks to fill it out and then send it in to see what happens. My OCD self just obsesses about everything. My mom was reminding me today how I have always done that, never thought anything showed enough, she reminded me of the time I didn't want to go to my allergist because I thought he wouldn't think my asthma flare was 'bad enough' and I ended up being hospitalized. It's just totally a part of my personality. GAAH. Working on it. Totally doesn't help that the meds I am on right now (steroids for another asthma flare) are keeping me from sleeping so I have tons of time to obsess. LOL.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.