Thanks! These are questions I came up with after speaking with the psychologist and haven't talked to her again yet. I'm sort of waiting for her full report.

He's not having behavior problems at school -- he just complains that he hates it. To the point of throwing tantrums when it's time to go to school. I suspected that it was because of giftedness and being forced to do repetitive work. For example, he's working on addition and has this little book with all the 1-10 addition variations. The teacher is having him repeat the entire book of sums to fix the 15 problems he got wrong (including 10 on one page where he was clearly not paying attention or trying to cheat something).

So far, I'm still not sure that the teacher is getting that his brain is different than other kids', despite her many years of teaching. I gave her an article about it that she'll hopefully read during the break. I'm leaning toward homeschooling next year.

I appreciate the first-hand insight into the mind of a v-s learner!