I had similar scores for myself, and personally I find it to be a challenge to have such a massive discrepancy (of around 45) I feel I should have had some sort of help through school, since I learn in such a different way. I wouldn't say I had a "disability", as I was still bright in other areas. I feel like my high PRI actually lifted my other areas, such as writing and sports. I just had trouble listening to verbal instruction, and felt really stupid for not getting it. So, not really a disability, rather a need to absorb information in a different way (idk, maybe that is a disability LOL).

It is a strength/weakness thing; I am definitely a visual learner. A couple of tricks I discovered are silly things, like when I watch a movie I find it hard to listen as I am too focused on watching everything. So I find it very helpful to watch movies or tv with the subtitles on. And with university lectures, it helped to have a transcript to read whilst listening; and I did a lot of concept maps. Nothing to do with a four year old, however wink

I don't know if this makes sense, but I was so brilliant with some things, and NOT average with others, despite my average scores with VCI and WMI. Aside from the listening problem, I was still a straight A student, until the point of boredom at school and the school's refusal for me to skip a year really ruined things.