You'll have to forgive me because I'm not sure which test the school psychologist gave my DS4 and I'm not even sure of the exact scores/sections, but I'm curious about how to interpret this.

My son's FSIQ came in at 136.

There were three sections to the test. I believe he scored only 115 on the verbal; 120-something on the part who's name I can't remember; and 146 on the visual-spatial section. His visual-spatial score was the highest the psychologist had ever seen.

I realize that there are issues with testing a child so young, but he's been having problems in his (Montessori) preschool that I thought were due to giftedness and wanted to have him tested. I'm trying to decide the best course of action for next year -- whether to keep him in the Montessori program (which is expensive) or attempt homeschooling.

My questions about these results are:
1. Do you think that the "low" score in verbal indicates a potential disability when compared with his higher visual-spatial score, or is this just a strength-weakness thing?

2. His FSIQ would put him in a G or MG category, but the higher visual-spatial score seems more like EG. (Since I don't know the specific test she used, it's hard to get specific about this.) My understanding is that the brain of an EG child works differently than a G or MG child, so I'm wondering if when teaching him, I (or the teacher) should consider him EG or G. Does that make sense? I haven't gotten far enough in my research to understand exactly how you would teach the levels of giftedness differently; just that they learn differently.

Thanks for any help!