Hi all! I'm new here and would love to join in the discussions. You all seem so knowledgable and supportive.
I'll try my best to be brief, but it will be hard to not ramble wink

My DS6 is in K in a large public school system and is identified gifted. I feel overpowered by the district, despite knowledge of educational laws in my state (PA). Nothing from my son's very vague GIEP was followed through this year. He is capable of learning several grade levels above the curriculum. During his last GIEP the gifted coordinator suggested that the district would not accelerate in the classroom in 1st grade. More specifically, she said some vague thing about how they could "enrich" in the classroom BUT (exact words): "Can we give him material from the second grade math curriculum? No" This is a kid who learned in under an hour the concept of binary numbers and how to add them and convert to base 10. SO, I'm trying to get him accelerated to 2nd but hear all the usual about social/emotional issues, what happens when friends get driver's license, his writing is "only" strong when comparing him to other Kindergarteners, blah blah blah... I sent a letter to the principal requesting acceleration last week but have not heard back from her. His next GIEP is June 6, but that doesn't leave enough time to prepare him for next year, etc..

FWIW, I applied to Davidson YS for my DS6, was asked for "more information" which I submitted, and am now waiting to see if he is accepted.
Sorry for the ramble! I could really use the support from folks like yourself who have way more experience advocating for your children.

Thanks for any help you can give,