Okay so disclaimer: I am pretty mainstream but I am also open-minded. I pretty much will try supplements or whatever - but I am not against science and medicine at all or anything like that. I realize that supplements, etc can be 'snake oil' but I guess I think some may be helpful and I am willing to try.

My kid is anxious and has an anxiety diagnosis... In February I started giving him this herbal supplement http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodiola_rosea because he seemd irritable and I was researching around about herbs and such to help. I saw an immediate difference. I didn't tell my mom or DS's teachers or my husband that I was giving it to him and, I kid you not, they ALL commented on how much better DS seemed - less irritable and angry within a day of his starting the herb. One day he was annoyed and stressed and anxious and I thought of maybe those herbs really aren't doing anything after all it was just a placebo effect. Then I found the pill on the table next to his water. He put it aside and hadn't taken it (Btw, he thinks its just a kid vitamin). If you try it you have to get the kind that comes from Russia (the kind from China does nothing) I get "New Chapter Rhodiolaforce" - it's harvested (supposedly) in Russia and is also allegedly organic. I give him 100mgs in the morning a half an hour before breakfast and 100 mgs when I pick him up from school at 3pm. My DS gets fatigued due to his hypotonia issues and such, so maybe it's just that it is helping with rather than his anxiety - I don't know. I just know whatever it si doing it is working. Just a thought for you. I have tried other things (herbs and supplements) and wasted money (one made him hyper for two days - it was carintine supplement that I gave him for fatigue and low muscle tone). This is the only suppkement I have tried thus far and REALLY saw positive significant improvement and the first one where others who were unaware I was giving him something were like "what is up with DS I=he seems so much less upset and anxious and miserable." It works so well I am taking it now...

Last edited by marytheres; 03/21/13 10:19 AM.