

We have been taking the approach you suggest with gradual de-sensitization. The problem is for this instance, we do not take long trips that often (2-3 times per year). So regular driving around town, in his mind, is different from a "trip".

Nonetheless, I plan to get him in the car for a 45-minute or so drive this weekend. Hopefully without having to deal with tears.

As for his list of concerns, I think we know what they are, but like I said, he's an avoider. He'll just curl up and refuse to talk when we ask him to explain why he's getting upset.

And, he is a math whiz - loves it. I tried the statistics approach with him last night and managed to get him to admit that the probability of getting sick on a trip is less than 100%, but he settled around 50% rather than the 2% I suggested.

These are all great ideas and are in line with the approach we're planning to take. Thanks so much for the concrete suggestions!

And yes, we have a therapist. Currently we told DS that the therapist is a specialist who helps smart kids like him get what they need out of school, but we are going to back-door this into anxiety and self-esteem therapy as well.

Last edited by BSM; 03/21/13 07:00 AM.