I haven't been able to get in-class acceleration for my two either, although DS8's teacher gave me her blessing to let DS work out of his sister's grade 5 text. But again, it comes down to the parent doing it.

Morningstar your DD sounds similar to my two... conceptually ahead but not keen on rote work like facts.

Even though DD10 was multiplying at 3 yrs (using a white board to draw circles and dots for anything over single digit) she is only just now (at 10 yrs) solid and fast on her times tables memorization.

DS8 was just like your DD when he was six - he learned advanced concepts easily and tired quickly of repetition. It was hard, really, because I worried that he wasn't getting enough repetition to remember concepts. He was doing the same things your DD is and he loved it, but anything more than 10 or so questions of the same type made him squirrelly.

Anyway, due to the aversion to rote facts, their marks in school haven't really reflected their ability. As important as memorized facts are, I've never pushed rote - I don't want to turn math into a chore. DD10 got her first math A in grade 4. Even so, she still made it into the gifted pull out in grade 3 and 5 (they didn't run it in grade 4 due to lack of funding).

Phey - you're right - there is SO much repetition. I wonder sometimes how many of my kids' classmates could learn above grade level stuff if they asked for it. Sometimes I think my kids aren't ahead - it's just the school curriculum that's really soft. I guess they have to make it accessible to the math-phobia kids too.

Last edited by CCN; 03/01/13 06:25 PM.