Thank you all for replying! I am meeting with DD teacher tomorrow and drawn a game plan. Web-site (ixl) is amazing. We will use it from now on. Your responses helped me to see what I am looking for and how to proceed. On top of it, her teacher was so quick to respond to my request and offer some suggestions - I am happy. We'll see how this will go tomorrow!!! My plan now is shaped as follows: ask for 3d grade homework (I guess we have to find willing teacher to help with it), so we can see what is done in the classroom every week. Also, request 3d grade book so that we can catch up on concepts that she might missed. Ask to go to the 3d grade classroom once a week for math (so that she will not be scared to go once it is determined she is ready). Take a test before switch to make sure that she up to speed with everybody in 3d grade and (if not allowed to go to 3d grade class) ask for end of the year testing so that we can use results to go directly to 4th grade math next year. And at home - IXL multiplication/division drills, of course...