I went back and looked at DD's test results from around that age. Unfortunately, we did not have the same batteries done so I'm not sure how things compare -- We had the WISC-IV, WJ-III, Lindamood Bell's assortment and then school did the Rosner TAAS and TOWRE. WJ III indicated delays in phoneme and grapheme knowledge and DD absolutely bombed the spelling of sounds section (3rd percentile). TAAS and TOWRE also indicated delays though ordinary DIBELs screenings showed no areas of concern. Her GORT scores came out in the 60th to 70th percentile -- I still have no clue how she managed that since she stumbled through oral reading in an expressionless monotone and had undiagnosed tracking issues at the time.

In addition to Dyslexic Advantage, I found the Sally Shaywitz book, Overcoming Dyslexia, had a lot of things that rang true for me about DD. I loved the fMRI discussion about how dyslexic brains process language differently than typical brains. The lack of word form automaticity fits DD perfectly.