I'm just curious if anyone has had this specific set of characteristics - our dd8, was recently screened by a reading specialist. Previous IQ testing showed a marked weakness in associative memory (the type of memory that is used when learning to associate symbols with language). Her current reading evaluation shows a scattering of abilities/levels - so I won't try to remember all of them right now, while I don't have the eval in front of me (I'll try to post them later). The one that stood out, however, was a very low score on sight/symbol knowledge. She didn't do very well on the GORT either, but nothing low enough to send of fire alarms with the screener.

I have the Dyslexic Advantage packed away at the moment (I've read it previously re my older ds).... but I'm just curious - does this sound like anything anyone here has dealt with or something that might go along with stealth dyslexia? Her screener actually gave her a dyslexia diagnosis, but I'm not sure she fits what is considered a typically dyslexic profile based on the other test results. She's testing at grade level for comprehension at school... which isn't what we would expect given her IQ, her drive, and her achievement in other subjects.
