Originally Posted by DeeDee
Do you know about the difference between the different types of ADHD? There is something called ADHD predominantly inattentive type, which is different from the stereotype.

Yes, but, of course, it's not like I am super knowledgeable in this area. However, my undertsanding of that type is that such children may appear to be underactive, daydreamers, etc...instead of working on their math, they might be gazing into space. When the teacher calls on them, they may have no idea of what is being discussed and that they don't absorb new information well - basically they have difficulty concentrating. And the problem is my DS concentrates and attends very well, he doesn't lose track of or ever have any trouble following a discussion (seriously EVER) (in fact he constantly gets high grades and much praise for contributing to class discussion and "attending" to what is being discussed in class. He can remember discussions, books read to him, etc... He learns new info fast and well.

I even asked his teacher who has a son with those of adhd and she said she doesn't see it either (though she sees workingmemory issues - he has no trouble staying on task in his classwork, staying completely in target in discussions, etc). BUT she is not a doctor (and in the past some teachers have hinted he has had it - we actually have two for two LOL).

I know I am not even close to an expert on this or a doctor, but I feel like the hallmarks of both types are ATTENTION (after all that is in both of the names (Attention Deficit and Inattentive type )and that just isn't the problem with my DS. I guess I feel like it's not that DS has working memory problems because he is having trouble concentrating or attending - he can't remember and process certain tasks/info no matter how hard he is concentrating/attending and despite concentrating and attending. And, again, this is just my understanding and maybe it's a misunderstanding; but, my understanding is that the ADHD spectrum is WM/executive functioning difficulties basically stemming from an inability to concentrate, to attend, to focus... my son can focus and attend and concnetrate well but still, and despite that, has active memory 'holes.' My sadness and fear is that the meds won't help his memory - and he simply doesn't need help focusing or attending. He actually does that well. I am not sure if this is valid understandng or not.

These are some things I read about working memory deficits that really resonate with me. First, they are "children who have trouble with activities that require both storage (remembering) and processing (manipulating information)." THIS is totally my DS no matter how well he is concentrating - if he has to do both he can't and not becasue he gets distracted or can't focus. He simply can't do both - ykwim?

And this:

"Researchers estimate that about 10-15% of school kids have working memory problems, but these are often misidentified as deficits of attention or intelligence (Holmes et al 2009)."

Last edited by marytheres; 02/07/13 07:53 PM.