Okay, so over and over again, testing reveals the same thing. My kid is really very smart; however, his working memory and organization hold him back. He scores very poorly in the working memory sections of the tests (WISC and SB-V as well as others like NEPSY and CVLT-C) ... Like, deplorably low. Specifically, he has difficulty holding an appropriate amount of information in active memory for further processing and/or mental manipulation. I can see this at home. He does not seems to come up clinically as ADD/ADHD on any assessment and I agree with that as well (though I am no expert) but he certainly has this particular problem with working/active memory and metacognition (? is that the right word?) I want to fix it or at least improve it to help him function better, learn better and be more successful. I'd hate to to see this continue to hold him back (and also it IS indeed very frustrating dealing with him at times because of it). And I wasn't sure if it was just that he is spacey (he is creative and always making up stories so I wasn't sure if that were why I see the exectutive functioning issues). He simply can not do certain tests/tasks that specifically test this skill set. Something is off, imo. What do I do to help him improve this? Cogmed? PACE? Some sort of therapy? Drugs? (kind-of kidding there but maybe supplements are known to be good/helpful?) What? I will pay the cost. I really am willing to do whatever it takes at this point because I am concerned that it is not improving with time and age. Any ideas are very welcome and appreciated! Thanks!

Last edited by marytheres; 02/06/13 09:51 PM.