I had similar issues with my DS6 and DS8. If you have the time, you might ask his teacher if you could volunteer in your son's classroom so that you can observe what's going on. It's eye opening to finally see what kind of materials they are being taught and at what moments your kid starts losing interest (is it a particular type of work he does not like, is there a kid in the classroom who keeps distracting him, etc.). And then I would work with the teacher to provide him with appropriate and challenging materials (not MORE busy work but different type of work). It might also help to do some sort of a behavior program at home like a sticker chart with a big celebration every Friday or something like that if he does all his schoolwork and homework without a problem. After all that, if he is still having trouble, he may have ADD tendencies which he may or may not grow out of as he matures. My DS6 seems to be getting better naturally with maturity and with classroom materials that are accurately targeted to his learning style and level. DS8 on the other hand, is getting worse. I am going to take him to get him assessed for ADD. I'm hoping he will also mature out of this "restlessness" and "absentmindedness" but I think we need some professional help at this point.