My DS9 is pretty distracted and has had his share of rough days, but I have noticed he does have great focus when he is closer to his instructional match. Is he distracted and/or does he have rough days at home too?

I don't know what your current relationship is with the teacher, but you should try to meet with her to brainstorm to ID the behaviors she would like improved and also to encourage her to let you know what he does good in a day. Grinity gave me some great advice last year when I was having similar issues with my son. We implemented a daily behavior sheet that also included something good that my DS did that day, so that even if he got a 2 (on 1-4 scale) on taking no for an answer, we also got to acknowledge that he read quiety for 20 minutes or something like that. We made a big deal of whatever she identified as good every night.

My DS does have ADHD so sometimes we all just have to accept that he did not "get much done" in one day. He now has a 504 and is allowed to demonstrate mastery with fewer problems or less work, so we invoke that if we feel like the "home" work is getting out of hand. He has gotten better in the last year - some of it just comes with age for these kids as they develop different skills at different ages.