I think I may need a new pediatrician. This one just emailed me back asking if I had not heard the term hereditary in reference to Ciara's fructose intolerance. I had not. I distinctly remember, though, being told not to let food become a battle because it only makes her feel bad if she eats, not slowly kill her. That would imply she doesn't have the hereditary form, right? I don't think she knows the difference. On the plus side we haven't lost our referral yet.

Thanks for the blog link, I'll have to check it out. I used to keep smarties in my bag for that exact same reason but as DD gets older she needs them less and less. She simply has no taste for things that make her feel bad. It does upset me that McD's feels the need to put apples in the happy meals now. I get really funny looks when I ask them to switch them out because they make my child sick. Just add more french fries.

Last edited by AtSouthDam; 02/04/13 07:29 PM. Reason: spelling errors