So far:
the request for IEP testing was submitted at the end of September. (She is livid it took until the end of November for them to start.)
November 26, 2012 the release for testing was signed.
January 22nd, DD2 met with the OT who recommended service but couldn't get testing in in time for the meeting.
January 25 WISC-IV and WIAT was done by the school psychologist.
Speech testing was ordered.

That's what we've done so far.

The school district did the simple head-start (?) screening and rejected her. Looked over the testing from Children's later and said she didn't qualify. Was IEP an option at this time? No one ever mentioned anything and kept telling me she tested average so she was fine. I know there is no mandate for gifted education.

Testing done at Children's included IQ, age based skills, gross motor, fine motor, speech, and a physical. It seemed complete but I've never cared for the way everything was so quickly dismissed but her verbal score. The psychiatrist had "never used those cards before!" and was so excited at her potential that she dismissed everything that scored so much better. Oh, and she said she had great eye-contact and social skills (she was wearing makeup, something that fascinates DD2, and she was talking about DD2's obsession at the time.)

I know I need a "lever" to get what she needs. I'm trying so hard to find that lever. I just feel lost with no map and am reaching tentatively in all directions. This recent testing is the first time my hand was not smacked in return, if you know what I mean. Having hope for a path I'm trying to make sure my naivety isn't used against me and that the IEP we draw up ends up to be useless. We're set to have another meting at the February to draw it up. I want it done right. That is why I am here smile