Alright, I am now going crazy. After all the thought and worry I had about the letter referenced above I have had absolutely no reply from the school yet.

Initially I gave them the benefit of the doubt. They were figuring out how to address this issue before responding. Then it had been almost a week and I thought, well they have a teacher work day Tuesday so I should give them until then. Yesterday I finally sent a very short follow-up saying it had been a little bit so i was just checking to make sure the email had been received. Now today we had a late start due to snow and it looks like there is a possibility that school might be effected by snow tomorrow. Ugh! I'm thinking it might be next week now before they will respond.

I get anxious when checking email because I'm a little afraid to read their response. I so don't want this to turn into a battle or me giving up. At this point though any response might be better than none for my nerves. smile Actually I don't think I mean that. If waiting gets the best for DS I will wait.

Sorry, I just needed to vent!

Last edited by Eibbed; 01/24/13 11:21 AM.