Originally Posted by Eibbed
As for afterschooling we have resources around the house that he can access whenever he wishes. The problem is that he doesn't want to spend his time doing "work". He wants to play. He just spent 6 1/2 hours at school and I keep reminding myself he is just 5. It is really not fair to him to make him repeat school each day and it will possibly turn him off learning. We turn whatever we can into a teaching moment so he still gets a bit.

this is the issue that I have with the enrichment at home suggestion also. We do enrichment at home with my DD7 but during the school year it's just sort of when we can fit it in and she is interested. During the summer she has been doing a more formal kind of online math curriculum and enjoying that, but during the year, like you said - she spends all day in school already! After school she has ballet, gymnastics and sometimes girl scouts, plus her homework, so there really isn't a lot of time during the week to add extra stuff in without making it seem like punishment or another item on her to-do list.