I got your point that extended scores are not necessary in DD's case. My biggest goal is to advocate reading acceleration for her. It appears that her VC score is high enough to support it. If the school doesn't believe in it, then they most likely won't believe in any extended scores.

So far I have not seen any obvious challenge that DD is facing in school. There was just one time that her teacher told me that DD has a hard time to finish her writing or end her story. So I was somewhat surprised by the PSI score. I am not sure if it is related to the habit that she tends to be perfect. Or maybe I will start to see her being challenged in the future harder task, just like what was mentioned in the previous reply.

I am also wondering what exactly the coding subtest is measuring. If two persons have the exactly same scores in the rest subtests except a big difference in PSI, more specifically coding subtest, what would these two persons be different in their learning or academic life?