It might or might not mean anything. Is there a reason you were testing other than wanting to know IQ or for a gifted program? If your child is not having any kind of challenges, all is well in school and life, and the testing was simply to get an IQ #, I wouldn't worry about it at all.

There *are* quite a few of us here who have children with similar profiles where the dip in PSI *does* happen due to very real challenges - but we've also (I think most of us have) eventually had our children run into some kind of challenge at school. The dip in PSI, when it's meaningful, can be from a number of different reasons. My ds13 has a disability that impacts fine motor skills, which in turn impacts his ability to use handwriting. It's not something you'd notice unless you knew to look for it, but it definitely impacts him in a huge way at school. It shows up under the PSI subtests because one of the subtests requires a written response and the PSI subtests are timed. It also shows up, for ds, in timed achievement tests that require handwritten responses.

Once you have the full report with the subtest scores and the psych's observations you'll have a better idea if there were any concerns noted by the psych.

Best wishes,
