Originally Posted by polarbear
Re not remembering names - my ds never could remember names of his classmates. He finally remembers them now, in middle school, but otoh he's in a very small school and he's in the same classes with mostly the same kids all day. I think part of it is his LD, and part of it is what he's interested in. Even though he remembers their names now, I still see big differences in the types of things he notices at school vs what his sisters notice - they are much more socially aware, and that part of it (for my ds) I think is simply that what the other kids are doing just doesn't interest him as much, kwim? In any event, there were things in K/1 that I just didn't worry about as important for my kids and let it slide - I think that in this case, memorizing his classmates names might be one of them.

My DS8 didn't remember the names of the kids in his class until he moved to a school where the same kids have been in his class for 2 years. He still gets a couple of the girls with similar names mixed up. He knows them all, just not their names. I don't think this is necessarily related to LDs (my kiddo has none). It takes me forever to get people's names down when I first meet them.

Found this interesting: http://www.spring.org.uk/2011/12/why-peoples-names-are-so-hard-to-remember.php