Originally Posted by JenG
I asked that he be given a comprehensive evaluation by the school, to try to figure out why he's not fitting in. She responded that since E was doing well academically (all S and S+ grades), he didn't meet the criteria for a school evaluation. My argument is that I can't take him out of school, and that I want to exhaust every possibility the school can give us. She agreed to talk to the school psychologist and give me the papers to start the process.
Thank you for reading my very long post. The past couple of months have been hell, and I know that I am trying to fit a kid into a system that is not equipped or willing to handle him. Any insights at all would be most appreciated!

THis is so odd (and annoying!) that they said this... My son is doing well academically (as well as behaviorally) and I suspect dyslexia so they are testing him (even though he is actually ahead of the grade in reading)... I guess my school is just a super accomodating school. I did expect them to give me a hard time and they did not at all! Also, it seems to me that any time a student is having such severe behavioral issues the school is willing test/evaluate even though the child is doing well academically. For example, my child was doing very well acadamically last year in kindie but was acting out pretty severely. The school came to me and wanted to evaluate him. I declined last year and took him for a private eval b/c I felt strongly the behavior (mostly high anxiety behaviors) was due to issues such as learning disorder or somehting like that and I didn't trust the school (that school psych in particular) to truly get at the issue. So just strikes me as odd that they are resisting evaluating him in light of his clear behavioral struggles.

Last edited by marytheres; 12/20/12 06:36 AM.