This is a tricky issue, ABQMom (sorry, typing on new tablet and not able to drive it well enough to do quotes yet!) I think Val (was it?)'s point was a good one; recognition for maths achievement is more tricky socially than just about any other kind of achievement. Actually my DS has also just done well in a national maths contest and I've been through this thought process in that context; his school didn't even mention his success on their website news (which is not notably selective!) and my instinctive reaction was, tbh, to be mildly disappointed by this. But, on reflection, it's entirely possible that this was a considered choice on someone's part to spare him unwanted attention; and in fact it may have been a good call.

Last edited by ColinsMum; 12/12/12 01:17 PM. Reason: must learn to drive this thing

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