Petunia, remind me-- is school evaluating him as well? If not, might as well do those processes in parallel.

It can feel like forever. Thoughts on triage, in case I haven't said these things already:

--Can you hire a brave college student, give them a sense of your DS's needs, and have them serve as respite care? A nice older boy to take him for workouts 2-3 times a week, for instance, or act as tutor/help with homework? We sometimes find a non-family member can work better on desired behaviors than we can, and college-age people are not that expensive to hire.

--Does the neuropsych run a cancellation list? We were able to get DS in more quickly by taking advantage of someone else's missed appointment.

I hear you on the weariness. Things WILL get better-- sometimes it's just hard to see that time scale clearly when you're that tired.
