I'm back. CCN asked about his behaviors that led me to think about SPD. I found a SPD checklist online and had my son, my husband and I rate him. A "3" was "often" and so here are the ones that at least two of us scored a "3" for him.
- fidget or fiddle with theings all the time
- avoid amusement park rides that spin or go upside down
- frequently tips chair on back two legs
- restless when sitting through a lecture or presentation or movie
- difficulty eating foods with mixed texture (can't eat applesauce, was 9 before he at Mac n Cheese "I want my noodles clean"
- constantly biting or picking at fingers
- seek out crashing or squishing activities (mainly with Dad so it may be a guy thing)
- becomes overstimulated when people come to house or in crowded places
- very high or very low energy level
- avoids crowds
- easily distracted by auditory or visual stimuli
- cannot attend movies
- loves to touch things (not so much now but when he was little, he had to touch everything)
- difficulty locating items in a cupboard, drawer or closet
- fearful of heights (so am I!)
- difficulty remembering what is said to him
- lethargic, hard to get going, appears lazy and unmotivated (he hides under the bed when he knows he should be working and isn't)
- becomes engrossed in on esingle activity for a long time and seems to tune out the rest of the environment (especially with reading and video games)
- gread difficulty settling body down for sleep or waking up in the morning (did you even hear your alarm? It's been going off for twenty minutes!)
- handwriting hard to read and takes a long time
- easily fatigued with physical tasks (enjoyed basketball but couldn't run up and down the court and asked to be taken out a lot to rest)
- dislikes changes in plans or routinge
- may be described as stubborn, defiant or uncooperative
- can't seem to finish things
- very emotional and sensitive
- difficulty making decisions
- rigid and controlling
- prefers solitary activities, avoids groups
- impatient and impulsive
- trouble relating to peers
- distractible and unorganized
- difficulty falling asleep

I know these aren't specific and we do have the appointment with the NP in June but I'm just trying to find ways to help us now. An OT evaluation is almost as expensive as the NP and my insurance won't pay for it. The school won't do it since the teachers don't see anything of significance at school.

We've tried to get him to do more physical activities but he refuses. We've bought a basketball goal, trampoline, baseball rebounder, bike, balls, croquet set to get him interested. I'll send him out to jump on the trampoline for five minutes and look out and after 30 seconds he's sitting on the trampoline doing nothing. He rarely rides his bike. He loves playing baseball and going to baseball practice but won't get out and throw the baseball (which is ironic because one of his dearest wishes is to play catcher and the coach keeps telling him to practice his throwing and build his accuracy and he could the catcher but he won't do it). He also loves karate but doesn't practice it. We've even offered to pay him to practice but that doesn't work.

I know there is something going on and I've been reading about SPD but it is very confusing. He doesn't seem to fit any of the categories. I'm so frustrated and he's so frustated. I am so tired of hearing "he's so well behaved" at other people's houses and at school. Over Thanksgiving, he spent a few days with my in-laws and they remarked when we showed up "he's a completely different kid when you aren't around". Makes me feel like a really good parent, right? Anyway, I know that only an OT or NP or someone can really give me answers but I'd appreciate your thoughts.

What I am is good enough, if I would only be it openly. ~Carl Rogers