Hi everyone!

My PT conference for DS5 is tomorrow evening. I've managed to get reading and math support to attend which seems like a huge step. Unfortunately, as most of you know, PT conferences are only 15-20 mins. That just seems like so little time to talk about everything I would like and to, hopefully, get some accommodations/acceleration in place. I'm going to be so discouraged if nothing comes from this discussion as I have tried to be so patient.

DS5 is really starting to vocalize his unhappiness with the fact that he feels like he never learns anything new. I need to figure out how to communicate this feeling to the teachers. The other problem I believe I will encounter is that DS is not showing them anything really exceptional in class. He just does what he is told and not always with a lot of effort. I see that with the papers he brings home but I have a hard to being really upset as most of this is stuff he already knows.

How would you approach three different teachers in this time span? My current idea is to make a list of issues that I would like to mention so I don't forget any and to bring examples of what he is doing in math at home. What else can I do? Are there any "buzzwords" that seem helpful when speaking in these meetings?

I am just a bundle of nerves about this! I'm trying very hard not to think about the decisions that are going to have to be made if tomorrow is unsuccessful. frown