Originally Posted by knute974
DD has straight As but math is the only place where she hasn't missed a single point in weeks. I also hate that they have online access to every entry into the grade books and are told by their teachers to check their grades regularly. It's a perfectionism nightmare. DD probably would be a good candidate for a skip but she is not interested for social reasons.

While I like the idea of letting things ride as long as she seems happy about it all, I think that you've nailed why I'd be a little concerned under these circumstances.

This is the exact cocktail that has led to so many adolescent problems with my own DD-- the anxiety, the perfectionism, the task-avoidance, the disordered eating and sleeping...

when she's good, she's very, very good. And when she's bad, she can look like a candidate for inpatient psychiatric care. cry

Definitely do NOT allow a child with perfectionistic tendencies-- particularly a girl-- to go down that road of never having authentic challenges. If it's only math, then that might be one thing, but if it is more global, I would be looking for ways to engineer more challenge into things. Maybe not with any placement changes... since as you note, socially, things seem great; but perhaps with afterschooling or extracurriculars.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.