DH and I are thinking of buying a new house and we are looking at different school options as a part of our decision. It is difficult to figure out what might be a good fit because our boys are young (5 and 2). It seems like the typical advice of "talk to other parents" is not as helpful when you have a kid that might need something different than the standard classroom.

This is what we know about our kids so far. DS5 had an EG level WPPSI in the spring. He is doing well early entranced in private half day kindergarten. I am starting to think it isn't a normal kindergarten too. This week he brought home a spelling test, a math test (single digit addition), and his life science vocabulary and diagram of spider parts (including among other things the abdomen, cephalothorax, pedipalps, chelicera, spinnerets and exoskeleton). We have some concerns he might be dyslexic but at this time there is no diagnosis. He also started EPGY a few weeks ago and has made it about a quarter of the way through first grade math. DS2 seems about like his brother so at this point we are going with what works for our oldest will probably work for the younger one.

Anyone have recommendations on what to look for and how to weed through information on a school district to figure out how they would likely treat a kid like ours?

I am also interested in what parents of older kids would recommend. We would probably be staying in this house through our kids' school years.

Of course I am well aware that long range planning can only be based on current programs which could be cut at anytime.

(While writing this, DS5 has made a giant spider web in his room with masking tape and dental floss. Assorted action figures have been caught and are awaiting their doom)