hi polarbear,
thank u,
and yes, you are right- his IEP states "autism" and actually, his current IEP (was) a good one for him when it was made last year- however this teacher has not been following it. and really, the goals etc, while many can remain the same--- some need to be changed to accomodate his advanced learning and possibly his processing speed of oral instruction--

i am wondering if it is possible to get an IEP for autism and at same time for the academic part (gifted etc) accomodations? how do parents with twice exceptional kids get that all worded?

re testing? i do not believe here in lausd they do this testing you refer to? i know they do it at age 3 when determining eligibility, but i am not sure they do so again?

though someone ment'd a "triennial review" where testing is done... if this is true, then his triennial is due now. i have rec'd no requests for assessments of any kind so i assume they are not planning that at this time? i will need to ask for clarification on this. also i am ambivalent about allowing this school to do any actual testing.

back to his current IEP-to clarify-
the only service he is receiving is speech therapy.
however the current schl SLP made it clear w/o even a 1st session with my son that she didn't believe he needed any speech! i was appalled. from simply mtg him and saying hello, she determined this? wow. he receives speechfor some artic but mainly he is there for pragmatics- which this SLP does not believe impacts his ablility to do the curriculum. (wrong!) anyhow....

finally re advocacy, last year i went to various mtgs with attorney's, group setting, to determine my rights. they were very helpful and the reason why i was able to get a great IEP in place for the past year. i knew my stuff.

NOW- this is all NEW stuff....

One can never consent to creep when
one feels an impulse to soar!
~Helen Keller