This is tough, I know of MS teachers that post the top 5 by month, no grade. It is used as a motivational tool, but I see how it can be used against a student by their peer group. What about HS where they post the highest GPAs (They do this in our public school). I work in sales so maybe my take is different, our production is posted. I have been the curve breaker and have suffered some from it. But wether I was presented in front of the class, they all already knew. DS8 is the youngest in his Algabra class, they all know he does well, and overall scores at the highest. He (at this time) has no problems, maybe because they are not his age peers, and do not see it as him being competative, but rather thats just him. I have no easy answer, other then if someone does not want their name put up, dont put it up. We have a person in our office that does not want his production shown (He is very private) so its not shown. I believe friendly competion is good (Math Counts, AMC8-12, olympiads, spelling bees, and baseball) learning how to deal with it is very important. DS8 will never be a pro ball player, but he can play and have fun, win or lose, and do his best and try to get better.