Originally Posted by ABQMom
She is your kid. You have no obligation to put her on medication until you are convinced it is the solution. If you believe there are other options that should be explored, don't let them pressure you.

I know there is a culture of try it, see if it helps, but it has been shown to also "help" the general population, so that one doesn't fly for me. ALL medications have side effects and risks, so the throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks has never been something I've been willing to entertain when it comes to medications.

I'm not saying she might not need it. I'm saying you should be convinced it is the right choice - not doing it under these conditions.

Just my opinion. YMMV

Mine too, and mine's based on having been a researcher on the pharmacology and drug-mechanism side of things with SSRI's, several stimulant classes including tropanes and analogs thereof in the midbrain. Those drugs are nowhere NEAR as 'harmless' to try as many clinicians believe.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.