Yes, I agree; my parents similarly turned down a skip for me. In my case, I ultimately feel it was a mistake.

Having seen this with my own DD, ability grouping in addition to radical acceleration comes much closer to actually meeting a PG student's academic needs without making the sacrifice unthinkable in social/emotional terms.

There are only problems when it still isn't enough. A 2y skip was not enough for DD-- 3-4 is what we needed, but we were wary of doing so with her too young. We sort of took things a little at a time and eventually wound up at 3y with additional ability grouping. It's gone well academically, though we still see signs that almost none of that coursework is anything like what she actually needs at this point in time (exceptions in AP Lit).

I can't even wrap my head around how damaging not accelerating my child would have been for her.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.