DS7's grade skip has gone mostly well socially. This year he's gotten in trouble for trying to impress several girls with his sexy ostrich dance (please don't ask), one of whom may have a crush on him now (girl not ostrich), and one bigger boy has attempted to bully him (DS thankfully didn't back down), but overall DS is well-liked and well-adjusted. Tons of kids came to his summer birthday party, and though it seems to have gotten around to all of the kids that he was skipped, almost all of them seem to have treated it as a mild curiosity at most.

DS's acceleration has actually caused more social and emotional negative effects among the parents involved. The mother of one boy chosen to accompany DS on his subject pullout has been frosty as heck upon finding out that her son was chosen for that not because of his ability, but so DS would have a buddy to go with. :| I don't fault her for being put out. And apparently the skip and subject pullout have resulted in many requests from parents to know why their children aren't getting similar treatment. The sad part is that DS needs so much more...

Unfortunately, academically the skip is a bit of a flop, though staying behind a year would have been at least as bad. In order for acceleration to work, it has to at least provide the correct academic level of work, or one has risked negative social/emotional effects for nothing. Thus I wouldn't rate DS's acceleration a success at all yet, except to the extent that it decreased his boredom and convinced him that we're doing our best for him. I see us as midstream in our advocacy for correct academic placement. It's slow going.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick