Polarbear - just seeing this! VT is going well but I still see his eyes straining ... I guess it is never "cured" huh? I definitely see a big improvement in the reading but again if he has had alot of close work and his eyes are strained he has trouble. But I do see huge improevement as does he. I just hate that he has this (and the hypotonia - I hate that he has any of it.) And I know there are worse things bt I'm kind-of in a mood. I just wish there were a "fix" - every time I upset and start thinking of maybe doing the surgery, I literally run into someone with a child (amazing how at one time I knew nothing about this disability and and now I 'run into' people with it or something similar) who has had the surgery and surgery was aetistically a success, or declared a success when they had it, but a year or two later they are having problems and struggling a great deal with reading. On the one hand it hits me I am doign the right thing but on the other hand I feel like it would be nice if he could just a procedure or surgery that would cure it ... really cure it, ya know.

Anyway, other than being expensive and time consuming VT is going well - he's doing awesome and he loves the therapy. I am thinking of getting the computer program for home to supplement. The VTs aren;t pushing it but I hasked them abotu it and had them demonstrate it me and asked their opinion. I want do all I can to help for DS so.. ut it is expensive and money os a bit tight so I have held off. Your DD didn't do VT homework with a computer program did she? I seem to remember your saying she had VT homework but it wasn't computer, right?