Originally Posted by polarbear
ps - fwiw, I'll also add - we've been told that we should take our younger dd for a developmental optometrist eval - and the first horrible parent thought that flung itself into my head was NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Not another YEAR of VT exercises at home.... AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!! (blush). Of course we'll do it if she needs it, but ugh. VT can be very time consuming for the parent involved!

Seriously! DS doesn't mind the exercises BUT as a very creative introvert he needs a decent amount of 'downtime' and 'in-his-own-world-time.' So he is in school until 3pm and by the time we get home it's 3:20/3:30 and we need to do homework and reading and bath and dinner and bed/stories and many days he has a therapy appointment (OT or VT), soccer, and/or allergist (we go once a week for shots trying to get his bad allergies under control). Plus he really needs to wind down with bath and then stories by at the latest 8pm so he can be asleep by around 8:30/9pm. He gets up early in the morning and sometimes I fit some in then but he likes to get up early to 'play' before school (again he's trying to fit in his 'in-his-own-world-time' ) and many times I am tryign to get myself dressed, younger DS dressed and fed, Ds himself dressed and fed, etc... It is SOOOO hard. He enjoys the computer program and I am hoping that could be something to make up for the low-tech homework we are routinely missing at this point.