marytheres, my dd eventually had a set of computer exercises to do as part of her VT homework, but it was very late in her VT program, after around 9 months of therapy. Up until that time all of her homework was exercises like knute listed. They weren't intended to be time-intensive (20 minutes per day was recommended), but like you mentioned, it really was tough to fit in with everything else that our kids do - and it took supervision from me to keep her on track, plus some of the exercises had to have a second person participating. To be honest, I hated that part of VT!!! But we pressed on and kept up with the exercises because VT is expensive and because we'd been told by both her therapists and another parent who's child graduated from VT that the exercises were really important.


ps - our VT office also used exercises from a computer progam as part of the in-office therapy sessions - it wasn't long, maybe 5-10 minutes at the most.