I just came back from a weekend at a friend's beach house. A friend who made a lot of money young, retired at 40. But is very lonely. Her social skills are horrendous, and you can say she is rude due to defensiveness, I have known her 25 years. My DH couldn't stand her because of her attitude and arrogance. I know she has a good heart and even I have time horizon of how much time I can spend with her.

Whatever the reason for poor social skills, it can be a very lonely life, no matter what other success the person has.

I struggle with how much acceleration works for DD and how I go about her schooling. But I lower the boom on bad behavior. I also talk to her about her choice of friends and situations that arise. "this person that you think is boring, is never rude, always nice" and make her think about it.

Just reading about rudeness and arrogance, it made me think of my friend, who had one short marriage based on her money and struggles for social connections.
