Really most kids turn out okay despite these small glitches. I can not tell you how many kids I have seen in my neighborhood that people whispered (incl myself prior to having two older children) "oh he/she is going to have such problems when they grow up!" and, you know what? they are more than fine. Maybe the mom is not handling the discipline issue entirely well but she isn't abusing the children and it does seem to me like she is TRYING. We may disgree with how she is trying but she seems to want her children to feel loved, and she wants to do the right thing. I mean, seriously how hard is being a mom to more than one child? I am sorry but it is freaking HARD. I do much less than a stellar job on a very regular basis. I am pretty sure the receptionist at the doctor's office I go to posted on some message board or on facebook somehwere about what a bad mom that I am b/c my kids were both shoving lollipos in their mouth and I was letting them because my oldest just had two painful injections and I was trying out of there before the two of them brought the place down LOL. She actually said to my boys "Oh my you're mom is awfully lenient!" Then pointedly glared at me. I replied "Hahahah yeah that's me -Ms. Lenient! hahaha!" sarcastically. And to be quite honest I AM different in public than I am in private - sometimes I am just tryign to accomplish what we are tryong to accomplish without the general public or my friends being subject to ear-piercing screaming (becasue guess what? depending on the temperment of the child even the good parents can have a child that throws a tantrum). Anyway, my point is abusive behavior towards a child - yes say something. But this? C'mon. She'll find her way, and/or this phase will pass and I bet her children will grow up and be just fine, possibly even lovely girls.