I know. I'm not saying they are obstructive ... I'm just tired of it all. All I've been asking the school to do the last 12 months is to help my son in a way that would be actually useful. I try to be as polite as possible asking THEM for advice and guidance rather than telling them what I'd like to see done. I did leave a message asking the psychiatrist to see if we could get more specific reports in addition to the letter with diagnosis and recommendation she sent (she was actually very specific in terms of what he needs) ... it was a 2.5 page letter summarizing the issues over the years, his current condition and the recommendations. So I am surprised the school doesn't give it more weight at this point. I asked specifically in May if we would need or should do a new evaluation and they said it should not be necessary and they would go by how he does in the small group speech therapy ... and now it's a completely different thing. That's why I feel so lost and confused. I went with the plan but they seem to have deviated from it.

I will ask if they could do an observation in a group environment.