Originally Posted by ultramarina
Anyway, sometimes people who are not sensitive mistake sensitivity for weakness or some sort of personality flaw. I'd remind you to keep in mind that sometimes very sensitive people are incredibly brave and are, in fact, the people who do the most in the world to change things. You haven't met my daughter, but let me assure you that while she cries over a dead dragonfly, she is, at the same time, the kind of person who would stand up to the tanks in Tiananmen square. I am not kidding in the least.

Thank you smile smile smile This is my DD as well. I've also spent my whole life being misjudged as weak because I'm sensitive. It's a lesson I'm trying to pass on to my DD - I'm trying to teach her to manage her emotions better because they don't always accurately reflect what she's capable of, and society has a skewed perception of this: "impassivity = strength" (sigh)