We started discussing 9/11 this spring because of Memorial Day and a parade we attended to welcome home troops from mid-east conflicts. DS does not have serious anxiety issues, so he digested the information pretty well.

We have had to deal with violence and death on a firsthand basis. The pastor of our church was murdered in the middle of service by a mentally ill gunman (we were not present). We lost my ds' baby brother when ds was 3, and our best friends lost their 6 year-old several years ago. He talks about death so easily, I always have to warn his teachers.

I clearly remember my mom discussing a shooting at McDonalds when I was pretty young ,and how some kids survived by playing dead. She also really impressed upon me what it was like when Kennedy was assassinated. I suppose it's a balance - I was a very anxious kid who maybe saw too much (Tv, movies, real life) too early. But I appreciate the sense of history I learned from her reflections on important events of our past.